On this page, you'll learn how to configure Minebot.
Related Configuration File
Main Configuration Keys
- A token is a key that allows us to access your Discord bot with the Discord api.
- To get the token, visit the Discord Developer Portal.
- For more information, see Installation
Default Guild
- Default guild is the id of the main server you will use the bot on.
- We provide this section with compatibility with two different providers.
- You can tell us which provider you are using in the database.provider section.
Server WebSocket
- You need to enter the WebSocket information we need to connect to your Minecraft server in this section.
- Install the MinebotConnector from our plugins page.
- If
is set tofalse
, this section can be skipped.
Embed Color
- You can change the default colors used in Discord embed messages in this section.
- The colors you type must be in HEX format.
- By default, the colors we have set for you are green and red.
Bot Commands
This section is straightforward - you can activate or deactivate commands as needed.
- You can enable or disable the command from this section.
- You can enable or disable the logging from this section.
- You need to write the id of the channel you want the log to go to here.
- Remember that the channel must be a writing channel.
Account Linking System
Here, you'll learn how to link your Minecraft and Discord accounts with Minebot to unlock additional features.
- log: Enable/Disable
- channel: Writing channel for logging
Reward Mode
- With this setting, you can distribute certain rewards to people who pairs their account.
- There are 4 different modes for prizes:
- None -> No Reward
- Role -> Give a discord role
- Item -> Give item, perm etc. with command.
- Both -> Role + Item reward mode
Reward Section
Suggestion System
Here, you'll learn how to set up, configure, and use the suggestion system to gather and manage user feedback.
- enabled: Enables or disables the suggestion system.
- text.min: Minimum character limit for suggestion messages.
- text.max: Maximum character limit for suggestion messages.
- log.notification: Controls whether to send in-game messages to users whose suggestions are accepted.
- The channel ID where logs of moderator actions (accepting/denying suggestions) are sent.
- moderator_channel: Channel ID where moderators receive notifications of new suggestions.
- approve.emoji: Emoji used for approving suggestions.
- Channel ID where approved suggestions are posted.
- deny.emoji: Emoji used for denying suggestions.
- Channel ID where denied suggestions are posted.
- There are 4 different modes for prizes:
- None -> No Reward
- Role -> Give a discord role
- Item -> Give item, perm etc. with command.
- Both -> Role + Item reward mode
Ticket System
Here, you'll learn how to set up, configure, and use the ticket system to manage reports, tickets and questions efficiently.
Ticket Systems
There are 2 systems for tickets:
1. Thread
- This is a new system that Minebot uses to open subheadings on a single channel.
2. Category
- This system opens different channels on a category. This is an older system preferred by some networks.
Starting Styles
In this section we have 2 different start styles:
- No message is sent to the ticket channel opened in this startup style.
- Compatible with all opening methods except message opening method.
- Supports only the command closing method.
Post Information
- The information received at startup is sent to the channel as an embed message.
- Compatible with all opening and closing methods.
Opening Methods
We have 5 different opening methods in this area:
- This opening method creates a ticket channel when a message arrives in the channel you specified for the ticket category.
- Assigns the message it receives as an embed message into the ticket channel it opens.
- This opening method is triggered when there is a reaction to the information message on the channel you set as the main channel.
- Different emojis can be defined for all ticket categories you specify.
- Also receives information about the ticket content from the user via a form.
- This opening method defines different buttons to the information message in the channel you set as the main channel and tickets in different categories can be opened through these buttons.
- It is possible to assign different buttons for each ticket category.
- Each button has an emoji and text that can be determined for itself.
- It receives information messages for Ticket from the user via the form.
- This opening method uses discord's dropdown system and turns all ticket categories into a selectable dropdown and opens a channel in the selected category.
- Each category has an emoji and text that can be determined for itself.
- It receives information messages for Ticket from the user via the form.
- This opening method defines a command using the discord application command system and opens ticket channels through this command.
- It receives information messages for Ticket from the user via the form.
Opening Styles
We have 2 opening styles:
- Does not send any information message to the channel you set as the main channel, you must either send this message yourself or write it in the channel description.
- Direct opening style can only be used in message and command opening methods and is not compatible with other systems.
Post Message
- It sends an embed information message to the channel you set as the main channel. Thus, you do not need to send any information message.
- Post Message opening style is compatible with all opening methods.
Closing Methods
- Adds the reactions you specify to the message sent as post information and performs the specified actions when they are clicked.
- Different emoji can be assigned for each process.
- It adds different buttons for each operation to the information message sent as post information and performs the necessary operations when these buttons are clicked.
- Different buttons are assigned for each operation.
- Each button has an emoji and text that can be set for itself.
- By adding the discord application command, it helps you close the ticket through the command.
Transcript Methods
We have added 5 different customisable transcript methods for you:
no transcript
- Do nothing.
move channel
- This method moves the channel to another category.
- Only available for category ticket system.
lock channel
- This method locks the thread.
- Only available for thread ticket system.
send channel as text
- This method saves all messages from the channel in a .txt file.
send channel as html
- This method saves all messages from the channel in a .html file.
- For example page click here
Upload Methods
- Sends the saved file to the designated github repo.
- Sends the saved file to the designated discord channel.
Notification Settings
In this section there are different notifications for both users and staffs.
Staff Notifications
- Sends an in-game message to the staffs when tagged in the channel.
User Notifications
- Sends an in-game message to the users when tagged in the channel.
- Sends users an in-game message when the ticket receives a message from staff.
- Sends an in-game message to users when the ticket is closed.