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A complete guide on how to install Minebot for both beginners and experienced users.

Video Guide

Follow along with our step-by-step video tutorial to quickly install and run Minebot:

1. Download Bot

2. Install MinebotConnector


Connect Your Bot to Minecraft

To integrate Minebot with your Minecraft server, follow these steps:


Move the MinebotConnector jar

Copy the MinebotConnector-X.jar file into your Minecraft server's plugins folder.


Restart Your Minecraft Server

Restart your Minecraft server to load the MinebotConnector plugin.


Configure WebSocket Port

Open the file plugins/MinebotConnector/settings.yml on your Minecraft server and set the websocket.port to match the port specified in your Minebot's configuration/settings.yml under server.uri.

Make sure to edit the server.uri parameter to match the IP address of your Minecraft server.


Ensure the WebSocket port you configured is allowed through your firewall. If you're unsure or using a hosting provider, contact your hosting support to confirm which ports are available for use.

3. Setup A Discord Application

Create a new bot on Discord's developer portal using the instructions below.


Before proceeding, enable Discord Developer Mode by navigating to Settings -> Advanced -> Developer Mode.

Anyone with access to this token has full access to your bot's account, you should ensure that nobody has access to this token but you. Treat it like a username/password combination, but for bots.

Create A New Application
Create Application
Head over to Discord's Developer Portal and create a new application.
Copy Application Id
General Information Tab
In the General Information tab, copy the application ID for the next step.
Invite Bot To Server
Create the Invite Link
Visit this website, ensure "Administrator" and "Use Application Commands" are checked and paste your Client ID from step 2 into "Client ID". Do not change any other options. Then click the "Link".

Invite the bot to your server and in the final screen, check all boxes to grant all of the permissions we've selected previously.
Adjust Role & Permissions
Check Permissions
Drag the "bot" role to the top (it can be below other administrator roles) and ensure it's got the Administrator permission.
Navigate To The Bot Tab
Bot Tab
Access the bot settings in this tab.
Create A New Token
Reset Token
Generate a new token for your bot and keep it private.
Paste Your Token
Write Token
Write your token to your configuration/settings.yml file.
Give Bot Privileged Intents
Give Intents
Adjust 3 Privileged Gateway Intents as per the image above.
Copy Guild Id
Copy ID
Copy the Discord server id (guild id) that you plan to use with Minebot.
Paste Guild Id
Paste ID
Paste the Discord server guild ID that you copied in the same config file where you set the bot token in step 8.

4. Run The Bot

Congratulations, you've successfully completed the installation steps! To start your bot, please follow the instructions in the Running Guide.