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Compatibility Guide

Check Plugin Documentation

This page contains general compatibility information that applies to most MineAcademy plugins. However, individual plugins may have specific requirements or exceptions.

Always check the dedicated compatibility page in each plugin's documentation section for the most accurate information.

Additional compatibility guides:


All MineAcademy plugins are built on our Foundation framework, providing consistent compatibility across our product line.

This guide covers general requirements and compatibility information.

System Requirements

Java Version

Minimum Java Version

Java 8 or greater is required

Remote Database

For plugins supporting custom database connections:

Database Character Set Requirement

Your database must support the "utf8mb4" charset (use utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci) to properly handle non-English item names and special characters.

Supported database types:

  • SQLite (default, no setup required)
  • MySQL
  • MariaDB
  • Custom (you will need to install the driver yourself and configure the Line option in the plugin which supports database.yml file)

Minecraft Server Compatibility

Server Types

Server SoftwareStatusNotes
PaperOfficially tested and supported. Recommended for best performance and compatibility.
PurpurFully supported.
Folia⚠️Check the BuiltByBit compatibility table for your specific plugin.
Spigot Forks
(UniverseSpigot, PandaSpigot, etc.)
⚠️Should work, but not officially tested. We access minimal NMS and have protections to prevent data loss. When experiencing issues, always test on Paper first before opening a support ticket.
CraftBukkit⚠️Supported for Minecraft versions below 1.16. For newer versions, use Paper.
Thermos/Cauldron 1.7.10No longer supported.

Minecraft Versions

Plugin Dependencies

Many issues are caused by incompatible plugin dependencies rather than our plugins themselves. Always ensure dependencies like ProtocolLib are up-to-date.

Minecraft VersionStatusNotes
1.21.xFully supported
1.20.xFully supported
1.19.xFully supported
1.18.xFully supported
1.17.xFully supported
1.16.x⚠️Possibly unsupported due to a class path conflict (Issue #3048). Contact us for refund if already purchased
1.15.x⚠️Possibly unsupported due to a class path conflict (Issue #3048). Contact us for refund if already purchased
1.14.xFully supported
1.13.xFully supported
1.12.xFully supported
1.11.xFully supported
1.10.xFully supported
1.9.xSupported with limitations. Book-related events don't work due to missing API
1.8.xSupported with limitations (see 1.9.x)
1.7.10 and olderNo longer supported