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On this page, you'll learn the minimum requirements and supported third party plugins for ChatControl to run.


Please read the General Compatibility Guide for general compatibility information and requirements that apply to ChatControl.


Most compatibility issues can be resolved by adjusting your Listener Priorities.


ChatControl works with BungeeControl and Velocity, see Proxy page.


Redis Integration

Proxy addons include Redis support for chat and data synchronization (e.g., /list command). Support for additional features is limited, but contributions are welcome as the project is now open source.

🌐 BungeeCord/Velocity Plugins

🎮 Parties Compatible

Support ChatControl nicks in party chat.

👥 Parties and friends Compatible

Support ChatControl nicks or any other supported variable in party chat.

🧩 Bukkit Plugins

⚙️ Core Integrations

ProtocolLib Required for some features

Support for removing chat messages with [X], see Channels.

Vault Required for more compatibility

Essential plugin to get players' data such as ranks, groups, prefixes, suffixes and permissions.

💬 Chat

InteractiveChat Changes Required

To prevent conflicts with ChatControl, open their config.yml and remove "#([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])" from the Settings.FormattingTags.AdditionalRGBFormats list (or set the key to [] to empty the list).

🔐 Authentication

AuthMe Compatible

We support AuthMe by hiding the quit message if player is not logged in.

🚫 Moderation

BanManager Changes required

Muted players won't be able to chat in channels. You may need to adjust your Listener Priority first.

🏠 Land Management

BentoBox Party Chat

Supports Party chat, see "Party" option in Channels.

Factions, FactionsX or FactionsUUID Party Chat

Support for party chat, see Channels.

Lands Party Chat

Support for party chat, see Channels.

PlotSquared Party Chat

Support for party chat, see Channels.

Towny and TownyChat Party & Spy

Spying on towny chat and support for party chat, see Channels.

🎮 Gameplay

Boss and MythicMobs Death Messages

You can print customized death messages, see Messages at the bottom, if player was killed by a Boss.

mcMMO Compatible

Spying for party chat and support for party chat, see Channels.

Party Chat Support

You can use mcMMO or ChatControl for party chat, both are fine. You can use ChatControl's channels system to have a channel for only people in mcMMO parties. If mcMMO party chat is used, we will show its messages to spying ChatControl players

📊 Server Management

CMI Changes Required

Support for afk, vanish status, and a few other features.

To prevent conflicts with ChatControl, open their chat.yml, set both ModifyChatFormat and ClickHoverMessages to false to prevent duplicated messages when using channels.

Essentials Compatible

Support for afk, vanish status, and a few other features.

Multiverse-Core World Names

We use world name aliases from Multiverse-Core in the {world} variable.

🔄 Integrations

DiscordSRV Full Integration

Connect your channels with Discord and send any message to any Discord channel.

ItemsAdder Font Images

Use the :name: font images in chat or formats.

PlaceholderAPI Full Integration

Full support for all placeholders, see Variables.

🔄 Additional Support

Vault Integration

That's not it! We support a lot more plugins than that, thanks to Vault, you can see what Vault supports here: Vault on Bukkit Dev