Confiscate vs Protect
Protect and Confiscate are two very different plugins separated by 7 years of development time and unique philosophies.
Confiscate takes away items based on mostly hardcoded rules into a physical chest room location in one of your worlds. This location is not easily searchable, and becomes cluttered over time. You cannot remove outdated entries over time nor give once taken items back to the player since they have been marked with the plugin's lore.
Protect stories inventory snapshots in a SQLite or MySQL database and uses advanced filters to search and execute actions when scans happen. You can easily filter database results and rollback changes in case they were done in error.
Overall, Confiscate is a simple plugin made in 2017 when I was starting out, whereas Protect is an enterprise-grade solution which can be customized to fit any server's needs and is designed to secure even the most complex and customized networks.
Free license upgrade to Confiscate customers
If you're a Confiscate customer, for a limited time you can upgrade to Protect for free. Check out the link in the top of Protect overview page at BuiltByBit for more info.
⚠️ Due to vast structural and logical differences, it's not possible to upgrade between Protect and Confiscate automatically.