Read this page carefully - live player and rule variables cannot be used everywhere. See the bottom of this page for broadcast variables that may be used in discord/global alert messages.
1. Live Player Variables
The player-related variables you can use in operators inside rules/ for operators where there is a player object available. The player is the logged player whose items were confiscated.
Variable Name | Description |
{player} or {player_name} | Dude's name. |
{sender} | The name of the message sender you can use in Receiver_Condition variables in your formats (If you use {player} in that keys it will return the message receiver's name and not the sender's). |
{tab_name} | Player's list name. |
{display_name} | Player's display name. |
{nick} or {player_nick} | Player's nick, or name if no nick. |
{country_code} | MAY BLOCK THE MAIN THREAD: Looks up player's country code from his IP. |
{country_name} | MAY BLOCK THE MAIN THREAD: Looks up player's country name from his IP. |
{region_name} | MAY BLOCK THE MAIN THREAD: Looks up player's region name from his IP. |
{isp} | MAY BLOCK THE MAIN THREAD: Looks up player's isp from his IP. |
{world} | Player's world name. Multiverse-Core aliases are supported. |
{health} | Player's health. |
{location} | Player's full location. |
{x} , {y} and {z} | Player's location points. |
{ip_address} | Player's IP address. |
{sender_is_player} | Return true/false depending if player is not console and not discord. |
{sender_is_console} | Return true/false depending if player is console. |
{sender_is_discord} | Return true/false depending if player is from Discord. |
{player_has_nick} | Return true/false if the player has a custom nick. |
{date} | A time formatted according to your Date_Format in settings.yml |
{date_short} | A time formatted according to your Date_Format_Short in settings.yml |
{date_month} | A time formatted according to your Date_Format_Month in settings.yml |
{chat_line} | A simple chat line. |
{chat_line_smooth} | A smooth chat line. |
{server_name} | The "server-name" key from, or if you use PlaceholderAPI with the server extension, from its file. |
{server_version} | The full server version such as 1.21.2 |
{nms_version} | (Advanced) The NMS package number such as 1_20_R3 (Empty for 1.20.5+ on Paper.) |
{label} | Return our main command label. |
{plugin_prefix} | Return the Prefix key from your settings.yml |
{prefix_info} | Return the info prefix from your localization. |
{prefix_success} | Return the success prefix from your localization. |
{prefix_warn} | Return the warn prefix from your localization. |
{prefix_error} | Return the error prefix from your localization. |
{prefix_question} | Return the question prefix from your localization. |
{prefix_announce} | Return the announce prefix from your localization. |
{data_X} | Returns a custom variable. This is set in rules with data-related operators, see Rules. See rules/ for example (search for @bot name demo rule). |
2. Rule Variables
The variables you can use in operators inside rules/.
Variable Name | Description |
{removed_amount} | The amount of itemstack that was taken (i.e. if limit is 32 and player has 48 stacks, we will take and return 16). |
{rule_name} | The name of the rule in effect. |
{rule_match} | The raw match operator. |
{rule_group} | The name of the group in effect, if any. |
{rule_fine} | The fine (how much economy money we deduct from the player from breaking this rule). |
{item_type} | The item material name of the taken item, i.e. DIAMOND_SWORD. |
{item_type_formatted} | The above but nicely formatted (i.e. Diamond Sword). |
{item_amount} | The amount of the itemstack in the inventory slot. |
3. Broadcast Variables
The variables you can use in Discord or server broadcast messages (in settings.yml)
Variable Name | Description |
{date} | The date of the log (item confiscation, monitored command or shop transaction). |
{server} | The server involved in the log. |
{location} | The "world x y z" location where the log took place. |
{world} | The world where the log happened. |
{player} | The logged player name. |
{player_uid} | The logged player uuid. |
{gamemode} | The gamemode of the logged player. |
3a. Broadcast Rule Variables
Additional variables available for rules broadcast.
Variable Name | Description |
{item_type} | The material of the item confiscated. |
{item_amount} | The amount of item confiscated. |
{rule_name} | The rule that triggered the confiscation. |
{rule_match} | The raw match of the rule that triggered the confiscation. |
3b. Command Spy Variables
Additional variables available for command spy broadcast.
Variable Name | Description |
{type} | Either "block" or "spy" depending on your settings.yml Command_Log.Block option. |
{command} | The logged command. |
3c. Shop Transaction Variables
Additional variables available for shop transaction broadcast.
Variable Name | Description |
{plugin} | The shop plugin name. |
{transaction_type} | Either "buy" or "sell". |
{price} | The raw price, i.e. "1.0". |
{price_formatted} | The price formatted with currency to our best knowledge, i.e. "$5.0". |
{shop_owner} | The shop owner's name, or "adminshop" if not known. |
{shop_owner_uid} | The shop owner's uuid, if any. |
{amount} | The amount of transacted goods. |
{item_type} | The material name of transacted item. |