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Boss Commands


For the /boss command help, see Commands

You can configure your Boss to execute custom commands on the following events:

  1. Boss spawn
  2. Boss death
  3. When a Boss' health goes below a specific value (i.e. less than 10 HP)

Boss Commands Menu

Command Variables

We support the following variables inside a command:

  • {killer} to replace the Boss' direct killer's name
  • All variables listed in the Variables page (replace %% with {}).
  • Plus PlaceholderAPI variables for the killer. I.e. %player_health% will return the remaining killer's health.

Command Configuration:

You can run the command as the console or with the permissions that the killer player has:

Command Configuration

You can also set a chance for the command such that it can run rarely or not much at all.

Special Commands

Alongside any typical commands we also support the following special syntax:

  • tell <message> - Send all players within 10 blocks' radius the specified message. Separate multiple lines with |.
  • tell-damagers <message> - Send a message to all players who damaged the boss. You can use {damager} for each damager's name and {damage} for the damage he did. Example: tell-damagers &7Hey &6{damager}&7, you dealt &c{damage} damage &7to &a{boss_name}&7! Separate multiple with |.
  • tell-damagers-list <format> or <title>|<format> - Works like tell-damagers but instead of sending one message to each damager, it sends a list of all damagers to each player so they see how up you rank compared to other players. In the message, you specify the format. You can use {order} to get the number, {damager} and {damage} as well as other Boss variables.

You can specify the header title of the messages using |, for example: tell-damagers-list Who Hurt {boss_name}|&f#{order}. &6{damager} &f- &c{damage} will make the message look like so:

Damagers List Example

  • broadcast-damagers-list <format> or <title>|<format> - See tell-damagers-list, but we will send the messages to all online players instead of only those who damaged the Boss before he died.
  • broadcast <message> - Send all players on the server the specified message. Separate multiple lines with |.
  • discord <channelName> <message> - (Requires DiscordSRV) Send the specified message to the given Discord channel.

Discord Command Example

Here is the example in action:

Discord Message Example