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A variable (placeholder) is a message in brackets {} (this now also supports percents %%), which is replaced by the actual data. Example: {boss_name} is replaced with the boss name. ChatControl supports placeholders in some localization messages as well as it hooks into PlaceholderAPI so you can show your nearest Boss properties in different plugins!

Note: When using LuckPerms, to avoid double prefixes, we suggest you use {luckperms_prefix} from PlaceholderAPI plugin instead of {pl_prefix} from Vault.

Warning: We may lowercase placeholders for performance reasons. If your PlaceholderAPI contains a variable with Uppercased Letters that doesn't work, try writing it in all lower space: Such as {VotingPlugin_alltimetotal} to

PlaceholderAPI variables

The following variables require a nearby Boss in the radius configured in settings.yml's Variables section.

Variable NameDescription
%boss_name%Closest boss' name (the same as the file name).
%boss_alias%Closest boss' alias. Colors are supported.
%boss_health%Closest boss' health.
%boss_top_damager%Closest boss' top damager player name.
%boss_damage%Closest boss' top damage.
%boss_location_x%Closest boss' X position.
%boss_location_y%Closest boss' Y position.
%boss_location_z%Closest boss' Z position.
%boss_location_world%Closest boss' world name.
%boss_{bossName}_respawn_{spawnRule}%Display the time until the given Boss respawns from the given respawn rule.
%boss_{bossName}_{player}_damage%Display the total damage the given player has dealt to this Boss, counts damage dealt to all spawned entities. You can replace {player} with player for the current player, or give a player name.
%boss_{bossName}_{player}_kills%Display how many Bosses the player has killed. The way this is counted is listening to a Boss entity death event and getting the killer from there. You can replace {player} with player for the current player, or give a player name.
%boss_{bossName}_top_damage_{leadingPosition}_{player/value}%Get the player's name or the amount of damage (see %boss_{bossName}_{player}_damage%) that the player at the given leading order has dealt. For example: %boss_Zombie_top_damage_1_player% returns the name of the player who dealt the most damage to the Zombie boss. Replace 1 with 2 to get the second most damaging player, etc.
%boss_{bossName}_top_kills_{leadingPosition}_{player/value}%Get the player's name or the amount of killed entities (see %boss_{bossName}_{player}_kills%) that the player at the given leading order has dealt. For example: %boss_Zombie_top_kills_1_player% returns the name of the player who killed the most Zombie bosses. Replace 1 with 2 to get the second most damaging player, etc.

The following variables require the player to have the Region Tool from "/boss tool" and selected a region.

Variable NameDescription
%boss_has_region%Yes/No depending if the player has selected both region points.
%boss_region_primary_x% (replace x with y or Z)Region's primary X, Y or Z positions.
%boss_region_secondary_x% (replace x with y or Z)Region's secondary X, Y or Z positions.
%boss_region_world%Region's world name.
%boss_region_size%Region's amount of selected blocks.

Localization Variables

These variables might be used for some messages in localization/ folder for those which are shown at a boss-connected event.

Variable NameDescription
{player} or {player_name}Dude's name.
{boss_name}Boss' name which equals to its yml file in Bosses/ folder. No colors supported.
{boss_alias}Boss' alias, which can be different from the name. It can be set in Boss menu > Settings > Alias. Colors are supported.
{ip_address}Player's IP address.
{timestamp}A time formatted according to your Timestamp_Format key in settings.yml
{timestamp_short}A time formatted in dd.MM.yyy HH:mm format.
{chat_line}A simple chat line.
{chat_line_smooth}A smooth chat line.
{server_name}The "server-name" key from, or if you use PlaceholderAPI with the server extension, from its file.
{label}Return our main command label.
{plugin_prefix}Return the Prefix key from your settings.yml
{info_prefix} or {prefix_info}Return the info prefix from your localization.
{success_prefix} or {prefix_success}Return the success prefix from your localization.
{warn_prefix} or {prefix_warn}Return the warn prefix from your localization.
{error_prefix} or {prefix_error}Return the error prefix from your localization.
{question_prefix} or {prefix_question}Return the question prefix from your localization.
{announce_prefix} or {prefix_announce}Return the announce prefix from your localization.