This page covers the configuration of settings.yml. You can also view the default settings by opening Boss.jar file and viewing the setting files from there. Keep in mind you can't edit them inside your .jar file.
Use UTF-8 encoding. Notepad and Wordpad on Windows is broken. Use Notepad++ while on Windows, or Atom for Windows, Mac and other platforms.
Folder structure
After the installation, your Boss folder should look like this:
bosses/ - A folder containing individual settings for each Boss.
localization/ - A folder with the message file you can edit to design the plugin to your needs.
locations/ - A folder with locations you create with /boss tools.
regions/ - A folder with regions you create through /boss tools.
spawnrules/ - A folder with different spawn rules. Do not edit, this is managed through GUI.
data.db - Internal database file. This is a machine-generated file, please do not modify.
settings.yml - The main configuration file.
Automatic Update
Boss updates your configuration automatically and seamlessly. When you update to a new version, all of your configs will get updated automatically.