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Alternative Messages

In additional to sending messages to chat in the typical boring way, we offer numerous possibilities to spice things up and give your server a fresh breath!

The following information mostly applies to localization/messages_en.yml, but you'll also find it working many other places where you send messages, throughout the plugin.

Action bar message demonstration

Multiline Messages

In your localization file, you can turn any message into a list to send it over multiple lines:

Multiline message example

Outside of localization file, and for those places where this does not work, you can use the \n operator, or this syntax:

Alternative multiline syntax

In Messages, you can use a syntax like that:

Messages multiline syntax

Centering Messages With <center>

Many places you can simply put <center> in front of a message to make it automatically centered. Make sure to surround the message with "" or '' quotes:

Centered message example

Sending Messages With <actionbar>, <toast>, <title> and <bossbar>

You can also prefix your messages using one of the prefixes above to send it through the following means:

  • Action Bar (MC 1.8.8+) prefixing your message with <actionbar>
  • Boss Bar (MC 1.9+) prefixing your message with <bossbar>
  • Toast (MC 1.12+) prefixing your message with <toast>
  • Title (MC 1.7.10+) - prefixing your message with <title>. To send title and subtitle, split the message with "|"


At this time, further customizations such as boss bar color/style, toast icon or title speeds are not available.

Image Message

Currently, if you drop png or jpg images to your images/ folder in ChatControl, you can show them using "/chc announce image" command. Combining this with the | letter to make multiline message, you can end up with excellent messages like these:

Creeper image message example


Finally, for the geeks out there, you can start a message with [JSON] to send raw json code to the player. See JSON for how it's done.