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JavaScript Variables

ChatControl supports dynamic, high performance variables you create! They can be used across the plugin, for example in formatting your chat or death messages. Currently, the folder variables/ stores all custom variables in each separate yml file.

Variables can not only be used to display information, but because you can write your own full code in JavaScript to display them, they can also do whatever you would wish for your players/server, such as sneaking in code to send sounds or spawn monsters.

Item variable demonstration

Variable Types

There are two variable types, which have different syntax and can be used at different places:


You cannot change the syntax, either use {name} or [name] depending on the type:

  1. Format variables: Used in formats/ folder, you can place them into your Formats using the {name} syntax, such as {player}.

  2. Message variables: Used by players in chat by [name] syntax. Such as players can write "I hold an [item]" and the item is your custom variable that will actually show the item they hold!

You can use "/chc info variable" to test format variables in a demo message.


It is recommended you know a little bit of Java, knowing how to access methods in Bukkit, and have some basic knowledge of JavaScript itself, or at least know how to use Google properly and adjust and debug others' JavaScript code to your needs.

You can use command "/chc inspect" to enumerate all methods or fields in a class, which lets you to make new variables easier.

In your variables, you can use the variable "player" in JavaScript to get the Bukkit Player class.

There is an extensive guide on how to code Javascript for Java on these locations:

Preventing Abuse

You can prevent players abusing variables, i.e. typing [item] too many times and bypassing anti-spam by placing a rule for each variable to rules/ Here is an example to limit [item] once per chat message:

match (\[item\])\s*(?:\1\s*)+
then warn &cCannot use the item variable more then once per message.
then deny

Setting Up And An Example

Each variable residues in its own file in the variables/ folder. Before we create our own one, let's have a look at one of the default variables [item] that shows the item the player is hovering in his hands.

Key: "item"
Value: "player.getItemInHand().getType()"
Hover_Item: "player.getItemInHand()"

The first mandatory key is "Type", this is either "FORMAT" or "MESSAGE", see above for how they work.

The second mandatory setting is "Key", that simply means what message you need to put in the chat or a format as the variable. In this case, it is "[item]." Do not put {} or [] around it, these are automatically placed according to variable type!

The third and final mandatory key is "Value", that is simply a JavaScript code that will return the value such as "Hello World" and replace our "[item]".

Testing Variables

Use "/chc info script" command in-game to test your javascript variables. It will parse them for you and tell you if they return properly (i.e. if they return a valid boolean, etc.).

Multiline Variables

To put a text on multiple lines, simply prefix it with |- and then type on multiple lines after that. Example:

Value: |-
       &cThis text will
       &cshow on multiple
       &clines &6easily

Using variables from PlaceholderAPI in your custom variable

Here is an example on how you can combine other plugins' variables to mix up your own variable depending on another variable's output!

Value: |-
  getTagOrPrefix(); // call the function below that returns the tag or prefix

  function getTagOrPrefix() {
      // replace with the tag
      var tag = "{deluxetags_identifier}";
      // if the tag is empty, return prefix, else return tag with [] around it.
      return tag == "" ? "{pl_prefix}" : "[" + tag + "]";

Accessing NMS Easily

Value: |-
  // acts if as you were inside of CraftPlayer class, so NMS is directly available

Let's analyze this code really quickly:

  1. The script begins with the declaration of the Value itself. It can have unlimited size thanks to the |- functionality.
  2. The code itself - contains predefined "player" variable you can use (if present) to get the player instance. This instance represents CraftPlayer in Bukkit in Java, so you can easily access NMS internals without even specifying those pesky 1_16_R1 numbers every time!


If you use boolean conditions (is true/false) then be careful, you have to use the fully explicit '== "false"' operator.

This is caused due to JavaScript returning an empty string when the sender is null (such as Discord/console/offline player) because the variable cannot be parsed at all, whereas if the sender is player, then we properly parse the variable and return false.

Consider this example:

Sender_Condition: '{sender_is_player} && {luckperms_has_groups_on_track_staff}'
Sender_Condition: '{sender_is_player} && "{luckperms_has_groups_on_track_staff}" == "true"'

The first line will throw an exception if luckperms variable cannot be parsed (such as when you are writing to Minecraft chat from Discord) because there is no Player object. If there is a Player, it will get parsed and either return "true" or "false".

The other line will work fine, in this case it will assume empty strings are false and only return true if the returning variable is indeed "true".

Available Options

Three two mandatory keys, "Type", "Key" and "Value" are discussed above. Besides those, you can write the following options to your yml file:


Description: What JavaScript condition must return true for this variable to show? You can put variables in here to get replaced.
Return value: true or false
Example: "player.getHealth() < 20"
Example 2: "{player_vanished}"

Receiver Condition

See Sender_Condition, except that we evaluate the JavaScript for each chat message receiver and only show the message to those receivers for which the condition returns true.


Description: What permission must the message sender have in order for this variable to display to him?
Return value: String
Example: "my.example.permission"


Description: What permission must the message receiver have in order for this variable to display to them?
Return value: String
Example: "my.example.permission"


Description: What text or texts should display when we hover the mouse over this variable in the chat?
Return value: String or array of Strings
Example: "Hello World"
Another example: |-
                 Hello this is a multi-line
                 text that will show on two lines!


Description: What item should be displayed when we hover the mouse over this variable in the chat?
Return value: Bukkit ItemStack class
Example: "player.getItemInHand()"


Description: What website should be opened when we click the mouse on this variable?
Return value: String
Example: ""


Description: What command should appear in the player's command box when we click the mouse on this variable?
Return value: String
Example: "tell kangarko Hello there!"


Description: What command should run as the sender when he clicks the mouse on this variable? Minecraft only supports 1 command!
Return value: String
Example: "tell {player} Hello there!"